Training on the Go

To explain how HALIGHT makes the most of training with Sales Associates tight schedules, let’s take a look at a hypothetical example.  Carl is a sales associate at a popular tech retailer. He’s on the sales floor, greeting customers, guiding them to a confident...

A Quick Fix for the Daily Grind

Allow us to demonstrate how HALIGHT, like a great barista, can satisfy the unique content needs of different organizations.  Let’s start by looking at the basics – a simple black coffee. Limited by time constraints, the person who enjoys black coffee often likes...

Custom Training Solutions

Each business, industry, and organization have an approach that is unique to its circumstances and demands.  With increasing technology and globalization in the modern workforce, the dynamics of work are ever-evolving, too.    This requires training our employees in a...

Localization in the Rise of Global Training

The rise of globalization means that your company is likely to reach a broader group of employees. They can be of different cultures, languages, and nationalities. When creating training to reach these diverse groups, you need to translate words and adjust the...