My Retail Training: A Home for Your Training

Sep 4, 2020 | eLearning, My Retail Training

Retail is a fast-paced environment and reaching Sales Associates with timely training is key to sales performance and customer satisfaction. My Retail Training offers your Sales Associates reward-driven learning on your products. 

What is My Retail Training? 

My Retail Training is an online learning environment where vendors can connect under one “roof” to reach employees of affiliate brands and new retail sales associates. Here, learners are incentivized and rewarded for taking training.  

They can also experience all other benefits of a HALIGHT-designed learning management system, including cutting-edge custom training modules from some of our current vendors. All manufacturers and service providers are welcome to present their training here.  

My Retail Training provides retailers with an affordable and easy-to-use learning management system that offers all the same great benefits. Plus, as part of your My Retail Training subscription, you will also have access to our consultation services at no additional cost. We have a content strategy implemented by our project managers and administration team who touch base frequently to track progress and modify any necessary features. 

Already have training content? We can help you reach a target audience within the platform. Sweepstakes, contests, and other achievements can help drive traffic to your training content. 

No training? No worries! HALIGHT can help you create custom training modules to suit your brand’s unique voice and vision. 

Stay connected and inspiredSchedule a demo to learn more about this solution! 


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