by Admin | Oct 19, 2021 | Creative Studios
We lighten our clients’ load, specifically when it comes to technological restrictions and support. Consider the environment in which your associates will be taking their training. What sorts of limitations are put on the individual and the technology? Are the...
by Admin | Sep 6, 2021 | Learning Theory
HALIGHT is proud of the design philosophy that structures our eLearning. Simply put: Tell Me, Show Me, Let Me Do The simple phrase, “Let me do it” reminds us of a child when they find a new activity they want to enjoy. Take a new toy for example: if a...
by Admin | Aug 26, 2021 | Creative Studios
Any coffee-drinking experience includes the atmosphere of the café it’s coming from. You wouldn’t go to the café with the cranky barista when you know the girl down the street always serves your coffee with a smile. Likewise, you choose an environment that fits your...
by Admin | Jul 16, 2021 | eLearning, Training Tips
The quality of eLearning content will determine its longevity. That is, whether learners will stick through the content and how likely they are to retain the learned information and apply it to their job. The key to designing quality digital training is to give...
by Admin | Jun 22, 2021 | Training Tips
If training becomes a boring task on the to-do list or worse – gasp! – a burden, then this could negatively impact the engagement of the learner, causing lower content completions, brand interactions and, well, sales. Instead of frustrating employees,...