4 Benefits of Edutainment

Nov 13, 2020 | Atmosphere, Creative Studios, eLearning, Learning Theory

Build training that resonates with learners. Edutainment is an education genre that focuses on using narrative, visual material, and game-like experiences. Its goal is to captivate and maintain learners’ attention engaging them emotionally*.  

This type of training can have long-lasting effects on Sales Associates, from better knowledge retention to encouraging repeat visits to your platform for more learning. Here are just a few of the benefits Edutainment can have for your organization and employees. 

Unwind, Relax, and Learn 

Edutainment relieves stress by invigorating the senses! The truth is your employees work hard in your organization. Edutainment is kind of a reward in itself, giving your employees a more approachable way to learn.  

Traditional training can seem daunting to some, with language and formal structure that does little to stimulate their minds. Creating Edutainment can awaken senses and give learning a more relaxed training appeal. By creating a more comfortable and creative environment, learners can unwind and take training without stress. 

The Entertaining, Hands-On Approach 

HALIGHT’s training uses a Tell Me, Show Me, Let Me Do philosophy. To summarize, the Let Me Do part of this philosophy is the major differentiator from other training methods. For example, learners remember 10% of what they learn if they are only told the content. 25% of what they learn is retained when they are told and shown. A staggering 65% of this content is retained if learners are told, shown, and can then DO the task, as well. Edutainment enables the Let Me Do step through games, interactivities, problem-solving, and scenario-based learning. Additionally, this virtual hands-on experience is what gives users a personal interaction with the content for better knowledge retention. It also increases stimulation and is a way to entertain learners. 

Put Yourself in the Story  

Stories captivate learners by bringing training content to life! From novels to comic books, storytelling is at the heart of presenting information and content in an interesting and more personal way. By using storytelling in your training, you can connect major concepts to everyday experiences. This method makes the content more approachable. Storytelling can also be used in things like Virtual Wolds to connect different training content items together in a familiar storybook world. 

Bring Them Back for More 

For non-mandatory, incentive-based Learning Management Systems, return learners are key! To accomplish this, you can create Edutainment that gives learners a reason to come back for more. Learners generally want training that gives them relevant content in a more interactive and digestible way. So, if you create Edutainment, these learners will know exactly where to go for premium training that they’ll remember, and even enjoy taking. 

HALIGHT designs training that is both entertaining and effective. To find out more, follow us on our social media @halight.inc and sign up to receive additional resources.


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