Customer Case Study

Best Buy & Halight

The Situation

In 2014/2015, as the retail environment evolved, Best Buy recognized the need to overhaul its training approach. With an aim to maintain its competitive edge, Best Buy sought to integrate eLearning solutions that were interactive, engaging, and tailored to the needs of their vast workforce. However, their existing one-size-fits-all model was inefficient and outdated.


Revolutionize employee training with tailored eLearning solutions for a diverse workforce of approximately 120,000 employees.

5 major challenges needed to be overcome to reach this objective:


Generic Training

All employees, regardless of their role or equipment in their store, underwent identical training.


Engagement Deficit

A desire to shift from typical eLearning solutions to a more engaging and interactive format.


Tailored Content

Crafting custom content for a workforce of ~120,000 presented its own set of challenges.


System Integration

The solution had to either merge with Best Buy’s existing platform or greatly enhance its capabilities.


Financial Goals

The project needed to evolve from a perceived cost center to a revenue-generating initiative.

Why Halight?

Best Buy chose Halight for its:


Custom Solutions

Halight’s LMS was the innovative solution that resonated with Best Buy’s training vision.


Growth Mindset

From a single course to a holistic platform serving ~120,000 employees, Halight’s collaboration was expansive.


Halight’s dedication extended beyond just being a vendor; they became a trusted partner.

The Solution

Halight undertook an exhaustive assessment of Best Buy’s training needs and then utilized its Learning Management System to design a bespoke solution.

Key Aspects Included:

Dynamic Learning

The new flexible model threw away the broad brush and empowered individual learners to take charge of their own learning journey and career development.

Dynamic Learning

The new flexible model threw away the broad brush and empowered individual learners to take charge of their own learning journey and career development.

Innovative Features

The Gravity app allowed in-store employees to scan barcodes and receive immediate, relevant training.

System Support

Given Best Buy’s extensive operations, Halight provided robust system support ensuring smooth training experiences.

System Support

Given Best Buy’s extensive operations, Halight provided robust system support ensuring smooth training experiences.


Halight’s solutions catered to Best Buy’s diverse workforce, indicating adaptability and reach.

Key Outcomes & Benefits (2015-2023)


Custom Training

With a segmented approach, redundancies were eliminated, resulting in notable time and cost savings.


Increased Engagement

Employees now accessed immediate and relevant training, courtesy of the Gravity app.

Financial Rewards

Best Buy’s perspective on training shifted, realizing annual gains of up to $3 million.


Best Buy’s collaboration with Halight marked a transformative journey. Their training shifted from a monolithic model to a dynamic, segmented, and interactive platform. With Halight’s innovative solutions, commitment to understanding client needs, and dedication to success, Best Buy not only enhanced its training approach but also achieved significant financial benefits.