Customer Case Study

Fitbit’s Global Training Transformation


Fitbit, a pioneering force in the wearable technology market, aimed to upscale their training program across a broader spectrum of retailers and global regions. They sought a partner that could seamlessly tailor a solution in line with their growth vision. Enter Halight – the answer to Fitbit’s quest for scalability, consistency, and quality.


For years, Fitbit has been a dominant player in the wearable technology market, with an established training program primarily with Best Buy. As the market landscape evolved, so did Fitbit’s ambition, recognizing the need to branch out and encompass retail sales associates from a wider array of retailers.

The Challenge

Fitbit’s Twin Challenges Were:


Scaling their training program beyond their collaboration with Best Buy.


Ensuring that the training content remained reflective of Fitbit’s brand, while maintaining the highest quality standards.

Further, the upcoming promotional period required a rapid solution rollout, leaving no room for error. This meant that time constraints, consistent training, and meticulous content quality assurance were critical concerns.

The Solution With Halight

Halight Proved to Be the Partner Fitbit Was Searching For:

Understanding & Customization

Halight delved deep into Fitbit’s needs, curating a configurable platform that aligned with Fitbit’s goals.

Understanding & Customization

Halight delved deep into Fitbit’s needs, curating a configurable platform that aligned with Fitbit’s goals.

Multilingual Content Development

Halight crafted eLearning content in English, French, and Spanish, ensuring consistent and quality training content across different regions.

Admin Support

Halight provided robust administrative support, streamlining the rollout and ongoing management of the program.

Admin Support

Halight provided robust administrative support, streamlining the rollout and ongoing management of the program.

Global Expansion

Within two years, Halight successfully expanded the program to the EMEA and Asia Pacific regions.

Key Outcomes & Benefits (2017-2023)


Consistent Messaging

Halight ensured Fitbit’s brand messaging remained consistent across various markets, bolstering brand integrity.

High RSA Engagement

The high-quality training content led to deeper product comprehension among retail sales associates across different retailers.

Global Reach

Fitbit’s global footprint grew exponentially, reaching wider audiences in new regions.

User Engagement

The true testament to the solution’s effectiveness was that a staggering 70% of platform users engaged with and completed promotional content.

Why Halight?

Fitbit’s Choice of Halight Was Driven By:


Timely, Configurable Solutions

Halight’s agility in developing a configurable solution within a tight deadline.


Global Scalability

Their capability to expand the program to include EMEA and Asia Pacific regions in a mere two years.


Multilingual & Multi-Cultural Capability

Halight’s commitment to catering to diverse audiences through multilingual content creation.

In a market constantly on the move, Halight helped Fitbit stay not just a step, but a leap ahead in training and engagement. The collaboration stands as a testament to what can be achieved when innovation meets understanding.