Why Mobile Learning Boosts RSA Performance

by | Jul 17, 2024 | HALIGHT, Learning Theory

Learning has become such a ubiquitous part of everyday life, that we hardly think twice about it. Gone are the days of flipping through pages in a book or waiting for the Internet dial up to scour the web for answers to burning questions and learn new tasks. No matter where we are, we can get instant answers with a quick web search on a smartphone.

Learn Anytime, Anywhere

The same is true in retail training. Mobile learning gives retail sales associates (RSAs) access to the information they need anytime, anywhere for more flexible, just-in-time learning. RSAs can now access training materials on their smartphones or tablets, whether on the sales floor, in break rooms, or even at home.

Just-in-Time Learning

With training and resources at their fingertips, staying up to date on the latest products and sales techniques is much easier. For example, RSAs can pull up specific selling points on their phones, which makes a significant difference in their confidence and lands them a sale faster. If they’re in a pinch while discussing a product with a customer, mobile training is like their own pocket cheat sheet.

Enhanced Performance & Business Outcomes

Ultimately, the goal of mobile learning is to enhance the performance of RSAs and drive better business outcomes. Equipping RSAs with the tools and knowledge they need, when they need it, increases sales, enhances customer experiences, and boosts their overall productivity.

Empower RSAs

Mobile learning empowers RSAs to speak to your brand and product, driving better business results. Well-trained RSAs are more confident, efficient, and capable of meeting the demands of today’s retail environment. Halight makes mobile learning impactful, keeping your brand top-of-mind and in RSAs’ pockets.

Book a demo with us to learn more about our tailored strategies to help you reach your brand’s potential and empower RSAs to become brand advocates!


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