Tech Configurability for a Lighter Workload

Oct 19, 2021 | Creative Studios

We lighten our clients’ load, specifically when it comes to technological restrictions and support. 

Consider the environment in which your associates will be taking their training. What sorts of limitations are put on the individual and the technology? Are the in-store training modules taken with little bandwidth support or video playback abilities? Is there enough time to take each training between customers? 

HALIGHT is a configurable solution to these and other tech remedies. By alleviating these concerns with our flexible training modules and by creating them with tech limitations in mind, learners will not sacrifice great training because of the environments in which they learn. 

For associates with the flexibility to take training wherever possible, our video implementations are an effective way to visualize broad concepts as well as deliver key messages in a more engaging way. In our videos, we focus more on visual graphics and limit our use of the spoken word for environments with limited audio hardware or loud distractions. When the spoken word is the best method to use, we implement closed captioning, not only for applicable environments but also for associates who may require accommodations. 

If you’re concerned about Wi-Fi and bandwidth capabilities, HALIGHT incorporates animations instead of traditional videos to deliver concepts in an interactive and visual way without compromising the functionality of the course. 

We remedy limitations set by training on the sales floor with mobile developments to ensure learners can bring training alongside customers as a reference tool. Learners use mobile training platforms as a portable learning system for the short timeframe they have to train in between customers. With content specifically designed to be short, concise, and focused, these microlearning approaches lighten sales associates’ loads, too, resulting in reduced cognitive overload in busy environments. This means better knowledge retention and more time in front of customers so your sales associates can do what they do best – sell! 

Go ahead, let HALIGHT’s support and configurability lighten your technology load. Our experts take your concerns and implement solutions into every unique training module, so you don’t have to deal with accommodation after the final product has launched. 

Talk to our experts for an in-depth consultation about your organization’s specific concerns and how we can remedy those restrictions. It’s time to lighten your load with HALIGHT training designed to work in your environment. 


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